Outreach Ministry

Bethesda means "house of mercy," and that's why Trinity Fellowship founded this ministry in 1987:
to show God's mercy to those in need.

Looking for information?
For more details about our food giveaway or clothing outreach, call us at 806.383.6990 or email sandraswan@tfc.org.

Looking to serve?
Interested in volunteering at Bethesda? The first step is completing the Growth Track! Find out more below.

Growth Track

We believe that poverty is not God's intended destiny for anyone. Because of that belief, we seek to meet both physical and spiritual needs and pursue opportunities to equip people to escape the cycle of poverty. In 2022, Bethesda served an average of 1,506 people every week through its drive-through food giveaway service, providing 391,560 meals to families.

Bethesda Outreach Center

Food Giveaway: Wednesday 9:00am-11:00am

Clothing Giveaway: Call to schedule an appointment.

Refugee Ministry

ESL Classes

  • 1101 Fritch Hwy
  • Call for times (806) 383-6990

Prayer Meetings

  • 1706 Evergreen St
  • Wednesdays at 2:00pm

To learn about the global impact of Trinity Fellowship, click here.

Bethesda Outreach / Eastridge Community

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