Next Steps | Trinity Fellowship Church | Fulfill Your Purpose

Next Steps

God has an incredible purpose for your life, and as it unfolds, you'll always have a Next Step - one that changes as you grow! We're here to help you along the way.

What's Your Next Step?

Attend Growth Track

In these four classes, you will discover how to connect to our church, dive into what it looks like to follow Jesus, learn more about how God has made you, and find a place to serve that matches your design.

Celebrate Your Relationship With Jesus

Being baptized is an important step in your life with Jesus Christ. It's your way of saying you've made Him the Lord of your life and are a new creation!

Make New Friends

There's no better way to do life than to do it with others! Our Groups are a great way to meet new people and make new friends.

Find Your Place in Your Church

The Dream Team is the place where you can express your gifts and serve in a ministry that best fits your design.

See What's Happening

There's always a lot going on at Trinity Fellowship, and coming to one of our events is a great way to see more of what we're all about.

Listen, Laugh, Learn!

Find and episode or show that can impact your life and brighten your day.

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